Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Detox and Rebirth...

One of my top five reasons for being a photographer is the access you're allowed or the experiences you get to have, that a lot of people don't get to. A recent shoot for a new client brought that point to mind once again. They are an outpatient recovery clinic that offers unique services, including the first In-home or In-hotel Detoxification Program in the United States that provides around-the-clock care during the detoxification process. My job was to create images of the facility and personnel and the work they do. I liked this shot, with a model as a patient showing a fragile state that must be endured along the way. They do a great thing, and it was cool to be a part of it.

Portland is just out and out in bloom this time of year, and looks awesome! Come visit! A sample, for you to enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa -- interesting shot. A lot of emotional depth to it. Wondering what the client thought of it...

4:12 AM  
Blogger Mollie Page said...

Man, that is a thought provoking image Brian. Great work! They are doing a great thing, and you are now helping them get their message out there. Nice!

9:03 AM  
Blogger Roland Simmons said...

Big B or should I say PW Sr. Stuff looks good as usual. You really need to update this thing more. Get tired of looking at MY images. I need some good stuff to look at :-)

9:07 AM  

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